Kamis, 21 Mei 2015


Caroline Rack Display

Temiro X Side Table 1 Shelf

Temiro 6 Drawer Chest

Temiro Room Divider
Contact to:
Zayuk Yuliana
+62 8112648026

Jumat, 11 April 2014


1. Teak mixed with Stainless Steel

Any  questions? Please contact to: zayuk@wisanka.com (Mrs. Zayuk Yuliana)

2. Teak mixed with Alloy Casting

Any questions? Please contact to: zayuk@wisanka.com (Mrs. Zayuk Yuliana)

Teak, also known as Tectona Grandis, is a tall, straight deciduous tree that grows with buttressing stems and a large crown. Teak is native to South East Asia and its natural distribution goes from the Indian subcontinent through Myanmar and Thailand to Laos. 

As a teak furniture is often more durable than other wood types. They are commonly used both in and out of season. More people are choosing to enclose their outdoor living spaces or use canopies and umbrellas to provide extra protection from the elements. Teak furniture are hardy and can provide prolonged enjoyment. In order to maintain the new look of a teak furniture, you can choose to oil it on an annual basis. Those who prefer the natural beauty of weathered teak furniture will find that by leaving the furniture to itself will allow it to develop a classic finish. 

Teak furniture are wonderful choices for those creating outdoor areas that are elegant as well as functional.

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Outdoor Teak Wood Furniture - WISANKA Jepara

WISANKA is one of Indonesian furniture manufacturer and exporter with various products such as wooden furniture, rattan furniture, garden furniture, lighting, flooring, gazebo, home accessories, etc, with various style such as classic, contemporary, colonial, antique, recycled and many others. (see www.jeparagreenfurniture.com)

We specialize in teak solid wood furniture with middle - high quality and competitive price.
See www.indonesiateakwoodfurniture.com for finding various of teak furniture we have.
There are many choices of teak indoor and outdoor furniture collections.

Outdoor Teak Wood Furniture - WISANKA Jepara offer many kinds of furniture for outdoor use using teak wood material.

For more details and order, please contact to:

Zayuk Yuliana (Ms)
Skype: zayuk.yuliana | YM: yuppie_zazou
Mobile: +62 8112648026 | BB Pin: 24BDE4EE

1. Outdoor Living Collections

1. a. Brittania Living Set
Brittania Living Set - WISANKA Outdoor Teak Furniture

1. b. Traditional Living Set
Traditional Living Set - WISANKA Outdoor Teak Furniture

1. c. Banana Living Set
Banana Living Set - WISANKA Outdoor Teak Furniture

1. d. Rose Living Set
Rose Living Set - WISANKA Outdoor Teak Furniture

1. e. Rossa Deep Seating
Rossa Deep Seating - WISANKA Outdoor Teak Furniture

1. f. Careira Deep Seating
Careira Deep Seating - WISANKA Outdoor Teak Furniture

2. Outdoor Dining Collections

2. a. Classic Dining Set 01 - CLS01
CLS01 - Classic  Chair with Lahaina Ext. Table by WISANKA

2. b. Classic Dining Set 10
CLS10 - Classic chair with Alexandria Table by WISANKA

2. c. Lahaina with Round Table Dining Set - LAS01

LAS01 - Lahaina with Round Table Dining Set by WISANKA